
Message from the Top

Representative Director Chairman & President, CEO Chairperson of Sustainability Committee Naotaka Kondo

Contributing to Building a Sustainable Future Society

Many environmental and social issues have become evident on a global scale, and companies must contribute to building a sustainable society.
Our management philosophy, "contributing to the world through the pursuit of the possibilities inherent in carbon (C)" leads us in our contributions to sustainable social development, and we have taken on the challenge to solve the many CSR problems through our businesses.
Toyo Tanso established the Sustainability Promotion Committee to strengthen our efforts to solve various social issues, including ESG and SDGs, and to promote these efforts strategically as whole group, through our products and actions to reduce environmental loads.
This committee consists of three groups, headed by executive officers for each field: (1) business activities for sales and R&D, (2) actions for reducing greenhouse gases such as CO2 in production activities, and (3) diversity awareness, human resource development, and organizational foundations.
People's values and behaviors have changed significantly due to the effects of COVID-19, and we believe that social value in corporate activities will become even more important.
Furthermore, we listen to customer needs as well as opinions from our employees and local communities, to help us transform into a high-value business model which can answer social requests and continue our efforts to find solutions through technological evolution. We believe that this is our mission.
The executives exert strong leadership, bring our spirits together, emphasize dialogue with all stakeholders, work on solving various social issues, and contribute to the development of a sustainable society.

Representative Director, Chairman & President, CEO
Chairperson of Sustainability Committee
Representative Director Chairman & President, CEO Chairperson of Sustainability Committee Naotaka Kondo

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